A HyCoSy procedure is used to look at the cavity of the uterus and the fallopian tubes when a woman is finding it to difficult to become pregnant.Please call 604 321 6774 Ext.244 to book an appointment.
01 Hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography
02 HyCoSy Ultrasound – What should I expect
How is the procedure performed?
- When lying on the bed, you will be covered with a sheet, and your legs placed in stirrups.
- A speculum will be inserted.
- A thin plastic catheter is passed into the cervix.
- The speculum is then removed, and a transvaginal ultrasound is performed – this allows the sonographer to obtain a clear image of your uterus.
- Saline is then passed into the uterus and the fallopian tubes. If the tubes are open the fluid will pass through the tubes on the ultrasound screen.
Is it painful?
There may be some discomfort associated with the procedure. The intensity of the discomfort varies between women. It is recommended to take 1 Aleve and 2 Tylenol tablets (500mg each) 2 hours BEFORE your appointment.
Are there any risks?
Having a HyCoSy is safe but may cause mild cramping, bleeding, or infection. The risk of infection is less than 1%, is usually minor and can be treated with antibiotics. If you experience sharp abdominal pain, an increase in vaginal bleeding or a foul-smelling discharge after the HyCoSy, please contact your referring physician.
Sometimes this test can fail to clearly demonstrate whether the Fallopian tubes are open, often due to tubal spasm (a muscle spasm), that closes the tube down to further evaluation. If this occurs, another evaluation of the tubes
or uterus may be required.
How do I prepare?
It is recommended to take 1 Aleve and 2 Tylenol tablets (500mg each) 2 hours BEFORE your appointment.
What can I Expect after a HyCoSy?
The exam should take approximately 45 minutes. After the procedure you may experience cramping or pelvic discomfort. This should resolve within the first day or two. You may have watery discharge and a small amount of bleeding. You should use a sanitary pad as needed, but not a tampon for the rest of the day. You can resume regular activities immediately.